Crozet Trails Crew’s Monthly meeting Tomorrow

If you’re interested, I’m sure they’d be happy to see you.

Just a cheerful reminder about our monthly meeting this Thursday (6:00- 7:30) at Trailside Coffee. See agenda below. Main topics are:

1. Prepare for the CCAC “Walk to Schools” meeting that will be held next thursday
2. Prepare for the Grayrock workday this Sunday at 8:30am
3. Begin planning for Crozet Trails Day and the 5k- need a committee.
4. Greenway status
5. Set some scout and school workdays.

I was wondering about a map of the greenways and found one on their blog; if I could make the time, I’d love to volunteer with this group.

Re-Store ‘N Station (Still) Moving Forward

Charlottesville Tomorrow reports on the progress of Re-Store ‘N Station:

County staff recommended approval of the Re-Store’N Station’s preliminary site plan, but said several issues would have to be addressed before a final plan is authorized.

Keep in mind that the community’s voices have altered the path of the Re Store N Station:

The project has been in development and under review for more than two years. In that time, the project’s scope has shrunk dramatically, including the number of gas pumps, the parking area, the building footprint and even the allowed hours of operation. The changes have been made to accommodate both neighborhood concerns and also directives of the Board of Supervisors.

sMILE for MELANIE – One-Mile Fun Run Festival


One-Mile Fun Run Festival

Saturday, May 21st, 2011 at 9 am Crozet Elementary School field – rain or shine

Let’s show our Crozet community support for Melanie Hood, beloved Crozet Elementary School Counselor, who is undergoing treatment for leukemia and preparing for a bone marrow transplant in Maryland – all proceeds will benefit Mrs. Hood and her family.

Continue reading “sMILE for MELANIE – One-Mile Fun Run Festival”

How Often Does the Train Run in Crozet?

“How often does the train run in Crozet?” is one of the most common questions I hear from buyers who are contemplating moving to Crozet.

When I am working with buyers who are moving to Crozet, my answer is, “the train goes by often enough that we don’t really pay attention to it.” When we moved here several years ago, it probably took us a week or two to get used to the train.

I asked CSX several years ago if they could tell me how often they run, and they told me that they wouldn’t tell me because of security concerns (I’m not a terrorist, by the way).

So, I ask you, RealCrozetVA readers – how often does the train run in Crozet? (feel free to identify the different lines, too)

WAHS Student Breathalyzed?

From The HooK:

An allegation of drinking some spiked lemonade at Western Albemarle High School led to a 10th grade girl getting pulled out of class and forced to take an on-campus, police-administered breathalyzer test. With the test allegedly finding no trace of alcohol, a Charlottesville-based civil rights organization contends that the school trampled the student’s Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches.

“That’s not a good idea if you want to protect freedom,” says John Whitehead, president of the Rutherford Institute. “It’s a good idea if you want a police state.”

Walk to School Meeting this Thursday – are you Going?

The Walk to School portion has been rescheduled due to lack of participation.

Crozet Community Advisory Council Meeting – Walking & Biking to School meeting to try to get community buy-in. This is the sort of meeting that the community needs to, if it truly believes in connectivity and walking/biking to school, get behind. If the buy-in/interest isn’t expressed, we will have the continued status quo – as in – nothing happening.

“Please join us at the Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC) meeting (Thursday, April 21st at 7:00PM). The meeting will be dedicated to the topic of walking and biking to the local schools. Representation from each of the schools and PTOs will make this a much more lively and effective discussion. Thank you for making time in your busy schedules to discuss this important topic.

Location: The Meadows Community Center, 5800 Meadows Drive (off of 240) in Crozet”

Update: There is a meeting after all.

Continue reading “Walk to School Meeting this Thursday – are you Going?”