Vacation Mowing Service in Crozet

Check out this vacation mowing service in Crozet, courtesy of Sean Connolly, a graduating senior at WAHS.

Sean contacted me and he strikes me as a quality, enterprising young man who has something that many people – young or not – lack: a work ethic and a willingness to do something that is seemingly anathema to so many: WORK.

So, if you need some vacation mowing or work done around the house, give him a call. I did (and I’m not even going on vacation).

Yes, this is sort of an ad, but no, I’m not getting paid to run it.

Related book that I’m reading: The Great Stagnation: How America Ate All the Low-Hanging Fruit of Modern History, Got Sick, and Will(Eventually) Feel Better

Crozet Library (still) Delayed

From the Newsplex:

However, it’s coming up with the remainder of the nearly $7 million price tag that’s put construction of the library on hold. The Crozet Library Steering Committee was informed last year that the project could be postponed until 2015 if the money cannot be raised.

Of course, if you’d been paying attention last month, you would have known this. 🙂

(full post here from the CCAC meeting)

** If anyone out there is interested in live-tweeting any Crozet meetings, please let me know. I’ll happily help.

Polo at King Family Vineyards – This Weekend

Watching polo in Crozet is fun.

Roseland Polo Season Begins
This Sunday, May 29
Match starts at 1:30 p.m.

Make the most of the long weekend by spending a lazy afternoon by the polo field.  Park your car on the far side of the field, bring some shade, and cool off with a bottle of your favorite King Family wine.

The tasting room opens at 11:00 a.m., and the golf cart will return for its second season of circling the field with cold wine ready to buy.  Cash and credit cards are accepted on the field.  Please note that ABC regulations dictate that King Family Vineyards wine is the only alcohol that may be consumed on our property.

We’re glad to be introducing some new additions that will make the Roseland Polo experience even more fun.  Our new score board just went up this week!  We have a feeling you’ll also be glad to find out that two brand new portable toilets will live behind the score board to save you from the long trek back to the tasting room.

As always, polo matches are weather permitting.  Call the winery in the morning at (434) 823-7800 and press the option for “Polo Update” or visit

High Tech in Crozet

Did you know we have a tech company based in Crozet? What follows is both a job listing and a positive economic sign: job growth based in Crozet. I like showing “good things” happening in Crozet, and he’s donating to the fireworks fund.

The Crozet area is a fantastic place to live and to work. It is home to artisans, educators, entrepreneurs, farmers, laborers, and professionals. It is home to award-winning wines, beer, fantastic coffee, and a leading entertainment/e-commerce business.

Along this line, we’re an up-and-coming high-tech business in the network analysis and visibility market. We’re probably the first and only high-tech business in the area. We also share a heritage with Claudius Crozet, a pioneer and engineer, who led the construction of the Blue Ridge tunnels among other achievements.
Continue reading “High Tech in Crozet”

Crozet Pools Open this Weekend

Crozet Pool:

Crozet Park Pool Season Opening Schedule…

Monday May 23               Crozet Gator Swim Team practices begin
Saturday May 28              Pool Open to Public for Memorial Day weekend
Monday May 30               Early Morning Adult Lap Swimming begins
Tuesday May 31               Water Aerobics begins
Saturday June 4                Pool Open to Public for Weekend
Friday June 10                   Pool Open to Public for summer at 3:00 PM

Pool Rentals reservations are now being accepted

Visit us today at

What’s new for 2011?
·         Early Morning Lap Swimming will now be staffed with a lifeguard and admissions
·         Long time assistant Kevin Boyd takes over as head coach for the Crozet Gator Swim Team
·         Brand new plaster and lane tiles
·         A new gas grill is available for parties upon request

Visit us today at

Old Trail Pool:

The Old Trail Swim Club opens for the summer season Saturday, May 28th, 10am for its regular operating schedule. The pool will be open 10 am – 9 pm, seven days per week weather permitting. Memberships are still available – the Swim Club is open to all for membership this year.

To print your registration and release forms, visit Please be sure to read the 2011 Policy Manual and the Frequently Asked Questions section. Pool pass pickup begins Friday, May 27th, 10am – 6pm. Swimming tests for those children 12+ who wish to swim alone may also be conducted at that time.

Crozet Fireworks Needs Our Help (2011)

Dear Crozet Friends and Neighbors,

We have something special in Crozet!  Something most of our country doesn’t get to enjoy.

We have a beautiful environment, a varied four-season climate, a safe community, a friendly and involved group of citizens who value all the good things that come with living in a small town. It’s a great place to grow up, raise a family, work or retire. People come to Crozet from all over our country to enjoy the quality of life that perhaps they used to know somewhere else, but no longer exists in many cities and towns. We have that here. Let’s not lose it or take it for granted.

I am writing to ask for your enthusiastic support of a small town tradition that should not fade away – our annual Crozet Independence Day parade and fireworks show! We have a lot to be thankful for and to celebrate. Let’s honor our volunteer fire department and rescue squads for all the time and care they put in to serving all of us. Let’s lend our financial support to our Crozet Park as it tries to complete a fund-raising goal to pay for an all-season dome over the pool. Let’s celebrate our country’s freedom and also our Crozet way of life with a wonderful parade and fireworks display.

I am working with a dedicated group of local individuals and businesses to see that this symbolic event continues in our town. We’re starting with another Swing Dance, like the one in February, featuring the Salute-to-Swing band on Friday night, July 1st under the shelters at our Claudius Crozet Park.   The festivities continue on Saturday, July 2nd with a parade down Crozet Avenue starting at 4:00 PM and a fireworks show beginning that evening around 9:30 (or 20 minutes after dark) in Crozet Park. Between the parade and the fireworks, we’ll have lots of good food, live music and entertainment, and activities all will enjoy at the Crozet Park. These events involve a lot of donated time from a lot of individuals (won’t you join us – see below) but they can’t happen without financial contributions, too.

We need to raise $6,500 to pay the fireworks company alone!

July will be here before you know it.  Won’t you join me by sending a check today to help with these expenses?

Please make your tax-deductible charitable donation to:

The Downtown Crozet Association, Inc.,
c/o The Crozet Gazette,
P.O. Box 863, Crozet, Virginia 22932

and note on the memo line “fireworks donation”.

Donors of $100 or more will be acknowledged in the upcoming edition of the Crozet Gazette as major supporters of this community event.
Please give as generously as you can, so that all of our town might enjoy this patriotic community tradition.


Sandy Wilcox

Owner of The Blue Goose, Crozet Avenue
[email protected] (434) 981-9125

Fireworks in Crozet were canceled in 2009


Update 25 May 2011 – I received this from Ellen King:

King Family Vineyards is proud to be a part of this wonderful Crozet community! We will be delivering a check today for $500 for the July 4th fireworks fund….we are making this donation specifically to honor our son First LT James King who has been serving our country in the United States Marine Corps in Iraq and Afghanistan and his wife Navy LT. Kelly King who is a nurse at the Naval Hospital in San Diego. We also salute all of the men and women of the military who keep us all safe….Ellen and David King

Thank you, King Family!

Crozet Community Advisory Council – 19 May 2011

I’m going to update this post tomorrow morning, but wanted to put it out there tonight while it was fresh for me. A few notes before I republish all the tweets:

1 – A lot of interesting and pertinent stuff is discussed here; more of the public really should attend.

2 – That there is money for a temporary parking lot but not a library is a bit sad.

3 – Interesting times coming with the construction on Jarman’s Gap and Crozet Avenue.

4 – That no one from the schools bothered to attend to participate in the Walk/Bike to School discussion was disappointing and frankly, upsetting.

5 – The Crozet Fireworks planning is coming along; much more to come on this shortly.

6 – Comments welcome; I’d love to have members of Crozet do this for both the CCAC and CCA meetings; the information is valuable and I’d like to think that with consistency there could be an audience asking questions via Twitter.

Continue reading “Crozet Community Advisory Council – 19 May 2011”