Batesville Store is Closed

Update 13 June – Perhaps the best explanation comes from a Newsplex comment:

If you take time to read the letter provided by the Batesville Store to its clients, which is linked in the story, the reason for closing is clearly explained. They had been operating as a country store and were under the governance of the state’s Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. However, it was determined that the store did too much business to remain a country store. The only option available was for them to become a restaurant and to comply with all Virginia Health Department regulations. The owners state in their letter that the requiremetn (sic)to operate as a restaurant was not viable for many reasons.

Update 12 June: See the bottom of this post for new from the Batesville Store that they are closing. For good. Surely the State could find a way to make this work for the good of the Batesville community.

Update 12 June #2 – cvillenews has more insight.

Update 11 June: The Newsplex reports:

A store employee told CBS19 that the reason behind the shutdown wasn’t a health issue, but a safety issue. He says the store had exceeded their seating capacity.

A country store is allowed to have 15 total seats by law, but The Batesville Store has over 40. The employee was frustrated saying that the Health Department hadn’t given them a warning.

Surely someone in Batesville can shed some light on this. The Batesville Store is fantastic – the food, ambiance, smells, location, beer, music … it would be a tremendous shame if it were to be shut down by the State of Virginia.

Just received via email …

Dear Friends of The Batesville Store,

I have some sad news:

The Batesville Store is closed until further notice.

Earlier today two representatives from the state of Virginia showed up at the store without warning, informed us that we were not in compliance with certain state regulations, and basically gave us no choice except to close immediately. Continue reading “Batesville Store is Closed”

Maybe Albemarle Should Just Not Build the Crozet Library

The government don’t seem capable of building it or funding it, so why keep the citizens’ hopes up?

Read the whole thing at Charlottesville Tomorrow, and don’t miss the timeline of the Crozet Library.

By the end of the summer, the parking lot for the new Crozet Library will be completed. As for the $9.6 million, 20,000-square-foot library itself, Albemarle officials said last week that, absent sufficient capital funding, its start date was uncertain and the project may have missed the window of a very favorable construction market. ?


“The most recent estimate that we just received has that cost estimate at around $6.8 million or just under $300 a square foot,” Henry said, describing the construction costs in the $9.6 million overall project. “The big drivers in that cost estimate change are site work and concrete.”

But at least we’ll have a parking lot.

Henley Middle School Peace by Piece Silent Auction

via email:

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

5:30 to 8:00 PM

J.T. Henley Middle School, Crozet

Free — everybody welcome.

Proceeds from the Peace by Piece Auction of student-made crafts: quilts, furniture, bird houses, floorcloths, jewelry, and more (plus friends- and family-made crafts) will go to locally based organizations to:

–Build 3 elementary school classrooms in Grissom-Garde, Haiti

–Purchase 3 chlorinators for water systems in the Limpopo region of South Africa

Crozet Fireworks Fund Update – 3 June 2011

I’m going to try to post updates every Friday. This needs to be a community effort to ensure that the fireworks happen this year, next year, the year after …

Raised so far: $2,520*

We/they need $6,500 to pay for the fireworks and about $5,000 to pay for the rest of the Fourth of July expenses.

If you can donate, please do so:

The Downtown Crozet Association, Inc., c/o The Crozet Gazette, P.O. Box 863, Crozet, Virginia 22932

* as of 1 June, 2011

Update: The Crozet Gazette has two relevant stories today:

Fourth of July Parade and Celebration Set for July 2
To the Editor: Crozet Independence Day

Crozet Trails Crew Update – June 2 2011

From Jessica Mauzy and the Crozet Trails Crew:

1. Grayrock workday this Saturday 8:30-11am. Bring gloves and water, the County will supply the tools and materials. If we have enough people, we can finish this project on Saturday!

2. Monthly Meeting next Thursday, June 9th, Trailside Coffee 6-8pm. We’ll be talking about the July 2nd parade, Crozet Trails Day, the Greenway, and designing hats. Anything else?

3. Crozet trails Day will take place on October 15th and will begin with a 5k trail run (based at Crozet Park) followed by a kids run and some town-wide adventure activities. Want to help plan it? Let me know. We need helpers!

4. June 11th (Saturday)- Trail activities at Preddy Creek Park, the brand new County park. More details on the website (

5. June 18th (Saturday)- CTC workday at Byrom Park- New County park north of White Hall- perfect for Crozet and White Hall residents. We will be building trails! More info to come.

Hope to see you all soon– come on out and earn yourself a Connect Crozet CTC T-shirt!