Crozet Community Advisory Council Meeting Thursday 19 August

Via email:

Crozet Community Advisory Council monthly meeting is this Thursday, August 19 at 7:00 PM at The Meadows.

Since last month’s CCAC meeting, there have been two important developments. As you hopefully read in the Crozet Gazette, the Albemarle County Planning Commission approved the Revised Crozet Master Plan!

And second, Piedmont Development Group (representing Carroll Conley) has put together a “possible development” scenario/plan for the Conley-owned properties (J. Barnes Lumber properties on the Square). The representatives (Katurah Roell and Kelly Strickland) shared this concept with Mike Marshall, Chair of CCAC, Tom Loach, our local Planning Commission member and Chair of same, Ann Mallek, our Board of Supervisors representative, and Albemarle County planning staff last week. It is the Development Group’s belief that in order for redevelopment of the J. Bruce Barnes Lumber Company to occur, the properties need to all be shown as “Downtown” on the Future Land Use Plan in the Revised Master Plan.

This issue was the major topic of discussion at the last CCAC meeting and at that meeting a different decision was made that was passed on to the Planning Commission for their end of July meeting. However, after looking at the possible development scenario, the representatives gave reasons for making it all “Downtown Zoning” that were compelling enough that Mike and Tom felt that the full CCAC and public should re-look at the recommended Future Land Use Plan for this area. They would like for the CCAC to consider a recommendation to put the references to the need for employment/office R&D Flex in Downtown in the text rather than showing it graphically on the Plan. This recommendation could be passed on to the Board for their September 1 Work session.

The Crozet Gazette has a picture of the proposal on their web site. as well as a PDF of it here.

I hope you’ll plan to attend the CCAC meeting this Thursday at 7PM. I’ve enclosed the CCAC meeting agenda below.

Also – Mark your calendars: Our CCA summer hiatus is almost over.

The Crozet Community Association (CCA) meeting is scheduled for 2nd Thursday of September, (9/9) at 7:30.

Something to say?

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