Express Your Opinion on the Crozet Master Plan

Charlottesville Tomorrow reports:

Having been heard on their demands for lower population projections, no expansion of the growth area, and preservation of the downtown business district, the Crozet community appears to be largely in favor of the village’s updated 20-year Master Plan.

Speak now, or …

At a recent meeting, the board decided to hold roundtables on June 23 and July 1 on the action plan to get additional public input. In an interview, Supervisor Dennis S. Rooker addressed the question of whether the action plan opened the door for Yancey’s business park being located outside the growth area at the I-64 interchange in Crozet.

“The door is partially open. There is other language that says it has to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan,” Rooker said. “My idea was to try and get some changes in [the action plan] that made it more consistent with the existing Comprehensive Plan …. When we last discussed [the interchanges], none of the uses given as examples were anything of the scale of what is being proposed by Yancey.”

“People from Crozet are welcome to come to the roundtables and make comments about specific language in the economic development plan,” Rooker added.

2 Replies to “Express Your Opinion on the Crozet Master Plan”

  1. Why am I getting the distinct feeling that the current BOS will more than welcome our comments about controlled industrial growth in confined areas, and then ignore the people who live here and permit industrial development anywhere they please.

  2. People that live here? All this tract housing was wanted? How can you keep denying one thing and approving another. Balanced growth is the
    key. I think this Board has a better capacity to understand this. I think that some affordable housing projects should be started along with efforts
    to bring industry back to the area.

Something to say?