Crozet Efforts to Aid Haiti

Just received off the handy-dandy RealCrozetVA chat window:

Otto’s is collecting cases of water for Haiti from Jan 14 through Jan 21 -spread the word – thanks

For those of you interested, Otto’s is just off 250 across from Blue Ridge Builder’s Supply.

And via email from the kids at Brownsville:

Just wanted to let you know that a couple of girls from Brownsville have rallied their 5th grade class mates and are raising money for the Red Cross Haiti Relief. They are starting with a coin drive (jars will be at Brownsville and in various stores in Crozet) starting next week. Yard/Bake sales are to follow in the next week or so. Any chance we could announce these efforts on Real Crozet?

Word spread. 🙂

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3 Replies to “Crozet Efforts to Aid Haiti”

  1. Kids from Brownsville still working for Haiti. Bake sale to be held this Saturday in the Great Valu shopping center from 9-2. Please come and support the Red Cross!

  2. Here’s an update on the Fundraising efforts of several of our very own 5th graders. They decided to count at the half way point to see how close they were to their goal (they set a big one…$1,000) and the report is that they have raised $749.08 so far. This fundraiser will continue though Friday, February 5th at which time the kids will count again. If you would like to contribute this week, Red Cross coin cans can be found at:

    Brownville Market
    Sal’s PIzza
    Fisher Auto Parts
    Couture Design (formerly Patterson’s Flower Shop)

    On a personal note, this has been an experience my daughter will never forget. Hats off to all the children in Crozet that helped by either baking, holding up signs or even just showing up to buy a cupcake…AMAZING!!

    If you would like to write a check, please make it payable to the Red Cross and place it in a can.

Something to say?