Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2009-11-08

  • I heard that Da Lucas is coming out with a more reasonably-priced menu soon. Much needed, in my opinion #
  • Love the Crozet Mudhouse. Riding my bike to meet buyer clients. #
  • More on Crozet Ponzi schemer – #
  • RT @whsvnews: Prison Sentence for Crozet Man Convicted for Ponzi Scheme #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: From the Editor, to Albemarle County: Build the New Crozet Library Now (and why!): #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: Chart of Crozet Area Election Results by Precinct #
  • Visitor to RealCrozetVA: "what happened to Patterson's Flower Shop? I noticed a new sign with a new name in front of their shop yesterday" #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: Deeds won in Crozet by 7 votes, according to the Va State Board of Elections site. #
  • ACAC – please remove your spammy signs in Crozet #
  • I'm testing some Crozet real estate market updates & charts. Feedback welcome. Soon they'll come to RealCrozetVA #
  • Just voted at Brownsville Elementary. I was the 201st person to vote. Please educate yourself & vote today. #vote #
  • Hey @mudhousecrozet I've heard you've had some good music lately. Think you could update the webpage?Or send me a schedule so I can post it? #
  • RT @JimDuncan: Growing a ā€˜Stache To Raise Money to Fight Menā€™s Cancer #
  • @briandickert A post about the tunnel – in reply to briandickert #
  • @MaryBethBowen the Crozet Mudhouse was calm this morning. Perfect Sunday morning. in reply to MaryBethBowen #

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