Brief Notes for 2009-06-21

  • A beautiful evening in Crozet. Finally the humidity is gone! #
  • @ryancordell Yep – Crozet Pool was closed due to a pump's breakage. It was very salty this evening, and cloudy. in reply to ryancordell #
  • RT @julenesque: Dear newcomers, Crozet does not need a walmart. or a mall. [That's why we go to Waynesboro 🙂 ] #
  • RT @cvillepiefest Saturday, October 3. Crozet Mudhouse. Pass it on! — woo-hoo! #
  • RT @juphoff: @JimDuncan Agreed on @eatateppies chicken & dumplings. YUM! — I'd say it's good business to host Tweetups, too. 🙂 #
  • There's a townhouse foreclosure in Old Trail – $190k. If you're curious about how it's priced in context, @ or DM me. #
  • I'd love *anyone* to write a post for RealCrozetVA about tonight's Crozet Community Advisory Meeting. Please? #
  • RT @ancym: oh my! RT @cvillepiefest Whoo-hoo! WINA AM 1070 and Coy Barefoot have volunteered to broadcast the festivities live! — sweet! #
  • @nhaffey click on the wrench in the top right, then the accounts tab. Ensure you have the newest version, too. Seesmic-v-Tweetdeck is fierce in reply to nhaffey #
  • slowly but surely coming back to life. It's good enough for now, I think. Suggestions welcome. #
  • Cville & Crozet folks – just saw Mary Rice at Great Valu,says people don't know about the Crozet Master plan. Take it! #
  • Yes, I know RealCrozetVA is down. Blue Ridge Internetworks are working on it. They rock. #
  • @JonathanK To paraphrase GI Joe – "being there is half the battle" 🙂 in reply to JonathanK #
  • Major blog issues with RealCrozetVA. #
  • RT @younganna: So so jealous of #mudhouse crozet. Srsly. — curious -what about it? #
  • RT @CrozetGazette: Announcing the Crozet Gazette 2010 Calendar PHOTO CONTEST! — Sweet. #
  • Getting ready to go to the Crozet business networking coffee meeting @TrailsideCoffee #

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