Crozet School growth

For those of you who don’t read Brian Wheeler’s School Matters blog, you should. He has done a tremendous service with his most recent post regarding the potential for school overcrowding in Crozet. Take the time to read it all as well as the attachments. You’ll be better informed citizens and parents for it.

Make no mistake, even if you do not have children in the County school system, what happens to our schools affects all facets of our lives, from our houses’ values to the basic quality of life in Crozet and beyond. If only more public servants were as capable and as open as Mr. Wheeler.

Our representative for the White Hall District is:

Barbara Massie Mouly
265 Newtown Road
Greenwood, VA 22943

Update 11/29/2006: Brian Wheeler has a story about the now-upcoming addition to Brownsville Elementary, among other developments.

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