CCAC Meeting Recap | 10/21/2015 | Infrastructure & Downtown Crozet

Really interesting Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting tonight. Downtown Crozet is going to change. Traffic is going to get worse different. Businesses will hopefully come to downtown Crozet.

Quick notes:

  • I persicoped. Live-streamed on Twitter. I think it was useful, and next time, so long as we’re at the Crozet Library with Wifi and outlets, I’ll do it again … but with a tripod most likely and my computer so I can tweet as well. But really, are they useful for you? (I really thought the iPhone should have been horizontal. Clearly that was wrong) Periscope 1YouTube version here – , Periscope 2, Periscope 3 (parking discussion).
  • Discussion about the WAHS Environmental Academy (I was late, but @CrozetCommunity tweeted!)
  • Big discussion about the future of downtown Crozet, Barnes Lumberyard, commercial, phasing of the development and more. You really shoulda been there.
  • Discussion about parking in downtown Crozet, the coming Piedmont Place, and I spoke up (which I never do at these meetings)
  • Milestone Partners will be launching a new website to convey the message/brand of their project and downtown Crozet.


Click through, scroll to the bottom, and read the tweets.



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