Really interesting Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting tonight. Downtown Crozet is going to change. Traffic is going to get worse different. Businesses will hopefully come to downtown Crozet.
Quick notes:
- I persicoped. Live-streamed on Twitter. I think it was useful, and next time, so long as we’re at the Crozet Library with Wifi and outlets, I’ll do it again … but with a tripod most likely and my computer so I can tweet as well. But really, are they useful for you? (I really thought the iPhone should have been horizontal. Clearly that was wrong) Periscope 1 – YouTube version here – , Periscope 2, Periscope 3 (parking discussion).
- Discussion about the WAHS Environmental Academy (I was late, but @CrozetCommunity tweeted!)
- Big discussion about the future of downtown Crozet, Barnes Lumberyard, commercial, phasing of the development and more. You really shoulda been there.
- Discussion about parking in downtown Crozet, the coming Piedmont Place, and I spoke up (which I never do at these meetings)
- Milestone Partners will be launching a new website to convey the message/brand of their project and downtown Crozet.
Click through, scroll to the bottom, and read the tweets.