A Great Conversation about Crozet Schools

Community meeting with Ned Gallaway and Adam Mulcahy at Crozet Mudhouse


Huge thanks to Ned Gallaway, Adam Mulcahy, Albemarle County and the Crozet Mudhouse for hosting a great conversation last night about Western Albemarle schools, the new Environmental Academy, growth, redistricting, and lots of other subjects. It was truly great to have such a forum.

Please – if you’re the parent of a child under 10 years old, please get involved in these conversations – write our school board representative (and Ned) our Supervisors and the CCA and CCAC – how big the schools are, the districts, the facilities, the staff … they all affect your (and our) kids’ educations and community.  Getting and staying involved is hard, and frustrating and worth it.


The tweets are after the jump.

Something to say?