The Lodge is Coming Along. Quickly

If you haven’t been behind the Old Trail shops recently, you may have missed that the Lodge is rising. I took a few pictures this morning.

Update 15 July 2011 … I got this in the email box a couple days ago:

New Senior Living Community Bring Jobs and Revenue to Albemarle County

Crozet, VA- There is positive news for the local economy with the construction of a new senior living community.  The Lodge at Old Trail, located at Old Trail Village in Crozet, is slated to open next spring.  It will have a total of 126 apartments with a wide range of accommodations and services for older adults who are very independent to those needing assisted living or specialized memory care.  As a  monthly rental community The Lodge will not have entrance or endowment fees.
Owner and managing partner, David Hilliard, worked for three years to bringthe project to fruition.   He is also a partner in senior communities in Vermont.  “Since my first experience in working with senior living in Vermont, it has been my goal to bring a senior community to my hometown of Charlottesville.  We are particularly pleased to be bringing jobs to the area in this challenging economy.”
The construction, done by Martin Brothers and area contractors, is employing more than 400 people over the eighteen month length of the project.  This number does not include other ancillary jobs created.  Jobs are not the only addition The Lodge at Old Trail is making to theAlbemarle County economy.  Water and sewer tap fees of almost $700,000 were recently paid to the county.  “I believe that the positive effects of this project will continue to be felt throughout the area” notes Hilliard.  The Lodge at Old Trail will hire more than 100 staff members when the community is fully occupied.  Hiring of executive positions has already begun.  Other staff members will be hired in the early spring.
The community seems ready to welcome The Lodge at Old Trail.  Mr. Hilliard states “Interest in the community is excellent.  Several apartments have been reserved and we are getting calls daily.  In fact, we’re opening our leasing office in the Village Center at Old Trail Village a month earlier than planned.” 
More information on The Lodge at Old Trail may be found on the website, or contacting David Hilliard at [email protected] 434-989-5050.”

17 Replies to “The Lodge is Coming Along. Quickly”

  1. The Lodge…better known as the End of the Trail.

    Interesting evolution of OTV.  Can’t wait to see it in 10 years.  I’m starting to side with Edward, yikes.

    1. I think this is an outstanding addition to Old Trail and to the Crozet community (I also think it’s a bit big, but oh, well). A lot of people want to be close to their families – of all ages – and offering the opportunity for multiple generations to live in close proximity is going to be beneficial to the area, the community and I’d like to think society as a whole.

      1. How many local people will actually be able to afford this place?
        It is not being built with the natives in mind. The Meadows
        actually serves this role to a certain extent. Without any meaningful employment in the area, employment that could
        actually sustain ones living here without multiple jobs, the draw to this area, hopefully, will weaken.A nice place to end your life if, you can afford it, is a cruel joke at best.

        How bout the Old Trail Cemetery, mountain views, people will
        be dying to get in…

        1. The Cemetery at Old Trail. Beautiful.

          I do hope that when it opens someone will check to see how many residents actually have familiy members in OT or Crozet.  If so, then they will at least have nice wide roads to bike/walk on.

        2. Well, reading the blog, about 126 folks will afford the lodge at any given time since that is the number of apartments. Bottom line, if you can afford it, awesome, if not, there are other great places for senior living. However, I have not seen the prices for living at the lodge as of yet. Maybe you will open a place for those who can’t afford the lodge? Positive change begins with you.

      2. A bit big, but you dont have to look at it from where you live in Crozet Jim, oh well….

        They could have gone vertical too (they would have a nice view of Henley’s wind turbine).

  2. It is always interesting to me to see the individuals who comment giving their opinions on the color of the wallpaper when they are standing 100 yards away on the outside of a building.  

    If anyone else feels the need to criticize The Lodge at Old Trail, maybe you should have a word with The Lodge owner, David Hilliard.  He attended the HOA meeting last night and had a lot of great things to say about The Lodge, his intent, and the Crozet community.  

    I have had the chance to sit and speak with him, and pinned to his wall in the construction trailer is a quote, “It’s about the people, and it always will be.”

    The Lodge will bring over 400 jobs to this area in the 18 months it takes to build it and about 100 jobs once it is built.  This is not to mention the smaller businesses that benefit from the workers being here.  It also will start a chain reaction (it has already) of these smaller businesses in the community hiring one or two people to be able to keep up with the increased traffic and increased Crozet seniors/Lodge residents.

    Unless you have a home located behind The Lodge itself (there are 3 MODEL homes there, the rest of the homes are behind Old Trail Village) then this building does not block the beautiful Crozet mountain views at all.  

    It’s not about the facts as you see them, but the facts -how they truly are.

    1. So, you have given your opinion, worth no more or less than the others… The facts are not just self serving talk. The place is not up and running yet . If the only thing this area is good for is retirement homes
      and coffee shops it is a sad thing.  The Cemetery at Old Trail will fit right
      in. No doubt they will have a wonderful talker explain all that.

      1. Mr. Strauss,
        I am an avid reader of this blog and it seems that the only comments you post are ones of criticism.  What changes would you like to see in this community?  What are you doing to help Crozet and its residents?  It seems like you have more than enough to say, why not use your power for good instead of evil? I am guessing that you are a sad, sad man with nothing better to do than comment on things you refuse to change yourself… but, then again, that is just my “opinion, worth no more or less than the others”.

        1. Evil? Now that is a first.  It’s interesting to me to see how far a person will go in throwing names at someone they don’t know. Just because they do not agree with them.
          This is the internet so you can be brave. Just remember
          to apply your name calling to yourself.  I suggest you change from “See it like it is” to See it your way…

  3. this area is for more than retirement. it has attracted the country’s largest curmudgeon who is a constant contributor to this blog. regardless the subject!

  4. Last I checked, we still live in the USofA. I may not agree with Mr. Strauss on all points, but I will defend his right to say it. And I appreciate his reminders that the master of this blog is a Realtor and that the building and selling of real estate supports his ability to run this blog site.

    1. Chinmusic – 

      We live in the USofA, sure, but it’s still my blog. 

      If you think our country’s still free, have a look at this or this.

      I tend to ignore the comments of Edward as they are usually, and consistently, the same.
      Regarding his right to say it – absolutely, he’s free to do so so long as he (and others) doesn’t violate my terms of service. 

      But ultimately, as I am, to use your term, the “master” of this blog, if I don’t like it, I will delete it. I’ve only used this power vested in me once or twice over the years, and I don’t think that he was the target. 

      If people don’t like the rules, gyofb.

      Lastly, regarding my ability to run this blog site: 

      “The building and selling of real estate supports (my) ability to run this blog site”.

      Um, ok. I’d rather look at it as “sound economic policies and prosperity and opportunity for those who choose to take advantage of the opportunities presented to them … supports my ability to run this blog site.”

      – The hosting space is donated and has been for years.
      – I paid for the premium theme.
      – I’ve never gotten a single transaction from this blog, don’t intend to, but I always disclose (in part because I’m legally obligated to do so but it also makes sense) when I write about the Crozet real estate market.

      I could make the argument that the time spent here is a detriment to my real estate business, but the reality is that my time spent in Crozet and involved with Crozet enhances my ability to represent my clients, and my community.

      I wrote this blog the same way in 2005 when there were three readers as I do now that there are a couple more. 

      1. Jim,

        My guess is that the people reading this blog are more than likely already residents of Crozet, and probably all of us who comment are residents.  Or at least residents of the greater Western Albemarle community and we probably aren’t in the market for a home.

        I can’t imagine that you’ll ever get a sale from this blog (not because it’s not a great blog, simply because I don’t think prospective home buyers get realtor advice from blogs).  But if you do get a sale from the blog, that’s great for you and maybe you could treat us to Crozet Pizza!

        You are a realtor, you live in Crozet, and realty, housing, and development are a factor of life in our community.  You occasionally talk about the real estate market (mostly your interest), often talk about development (of interest to most people), and mostly talk about happenings in Crozet (of interest to everyone, and often has to deal with housing or development).  I like it, I read it, I comment on it.

        I don’t always agree with you, but I’ve never gotten tired of what you’ve said or annoyed by your comments or postings.  And I always enjoy your posting and reading the comments.

        Edward on the other hand, ditto what you said.  I’m trying to ignore him but its so hard…

        Keep up the good work.

      2. Yes, my opinions tend to be the same regarding the same old
        issues that are brought up here. As are yours. Ain’t life great…

Something to say?